Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Coalition win by 5 seats

That's my prediction for Saturday.

There won't be a uniform swing, and while the ALP will pick up some seats, it will also lose one or two.

Call it wishful thinnking if you like, but I like to think that most Australians aren't going to get duped by "Mr Me Too", aka Kevin Dudd.

If I am right, most of the Australian media are going to look like a bunch of idiots and will have a bucketload of egg on their faces.

If I am right, someone needs to ask who paid whom to get such blatantly biased reporting from all streams of media including the ABC.

Of course, it's just my prediction, and it flies in the face of all the opinion polls, and all the "wisdom" of pundits who claim to be smarter than me.

But I hope I am right.

You need more to govern this country than a twerpy smirk and a photocopier for stealing economic policies. Mr Dudd just doesn't cut it.

Oh - one other thing, if I am right, I promise to post some priceless photos of the look on the faces of Kevin Dudd, Julia Dullard and Wayne Conn.

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